Solve Your Problems With Dental Implants In Keizer OR

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Dental Care

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There aren’t many people who are comfortable with missing teeth. Sure, if a person has a tooth missing in an area of the mouth that isn’t really visible to others, they might not be that concerned about the issue. But what if a person has a front tooth that is missing? Dental Implants in Keizer OR can be used to conceal the fact that a person has missing teeth. Amazingly, implants can look just like real teeth. People don’t have to know a person has an implant unless that individual chooses to let them in on the secret.

When people start talking about implants, dentures usually come into the conversation. It’s only natural for people to want to explore their options, and dentures are indeed an option for a person who has missing teeth. The thing is that dental implants in Keizer OR are more permanent. Implants are actually attached to the bone. As such, implants can be treated just like real teeth. Dentures have to be removed so that they can be cleaned. It’s also not uncommon for dentures to slip while they are in a person’s mouth. When that happens during a conversation or while a person is eating, the denture wearer could suffer from embarrassment. People can Visit Us to find out more about implants.

Understand that there are even more benefits to implants. Individuals who choose implants over dentures don’t really have to be concerned with the bone loss that can come with missing teeth. Before inserting implants into a patient’s mouth, a dentist has to make sure that the person is an ideal candidate. They will need to make sure that a person’s bones can support the implants. Unfortunately, not everyone is an ideal candidate for dental implants. People who are told they aren’t ideal candidates are always free to get second and third opinions from other dentists.

Believe it or not, some people with missing teeth don’t even know that dental implants exist. They think their only option is to get fitted for dentures. That’s why some people don’t even bother to address their missing teeth. It’s important that those who have missing teeth ask their dentists about options.