While Hot water heaters are extremely reliable, like any household appliance, there will be a time when you have a problem with it. You may be in the middle of a shower and the water turns from hot to luke warm or cold. Maybe you notice some water around the water heater. When you do run into a problem call a licensed Charlotte plumber. They can troubleshoot and make the required repairs to solve the problem.
However, beforehand here are a few quick tips to help troubleshoot and see if it is as simple as a tripped breaker.
No Hot Water
A water heater delivering no hot water could have no power. It could be as simple as the breaker inadvertently tripping or someone just turned off the breaker without realizing it. If the breaker tripped, turn it off and back on. Monitor the breaker to make sure it does not trip again. A breaker tripping repeatedly is a sign of a problem and needs immediate attention. Call a licensed plumber to have him troubleshoot the problem.
If the breaker did not or is not tripping, turn it off. Open the access panel on the heater. Pull away the insulation, and open the plastic panel covering the thermostat. Press the red reset button on the thermostat, replace the plastic panel and insulation, and replace the access panel. Turn the breaker back on. If this does not work, you will need a Water Heater Repair in Charlotte NC plumber for your repair services.
Not Enough Hot Water
If you continuously run out of hot water because of the demand, your hot water heater’s capacity is too small for your household’s needs. Because your hot water heater is undersized, you will need a larger water heater or a tankless water heater. If this is not in the budget, then stagger your hot water usage for washing dishes, laundry, and showers throughout the day. Consider running your dishwasher at night just before you go to bed. Using hot water at different times of day will allow your hot water heater a chance to refill and reheat water for that next shower or batch of laundry.
Water Is Too Hot
Water that is too hot could be because your thermostat is set too high or the mixing valve at the faucet is not working correctly. Check your hot water heater and make sure the hot water heater is set to a recommended temperature of 120 oF. If the temperature is set correctly but water is coming out of the faucet too hot, chances are the mixing valve at the faucet is the problem. Call a licensed professional Charlotte plumber to troubleshoot the problem and take care of the necessary plumbing repair.