Six Alternatives to Maintain your Pool Water

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Swimming Pools and Spas

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Although swimming pools are 90 percent sheer pleasure, there is 10 percent effort you have to put into them in order to keep your water clear and fresh. There are many options on the market today including some alternatives to chlorine. Here is a brief overview of your choices and what is involved for each:

Chlorine and Shocking: By far the most common water maintenance people use is chlorine. However many people do not like chlorine as it has an unpleasant smell which stays on your clothes, skin and hair. Chlorine is also harsh on the eyes, skin and hair. For chlorine pools a chlorine puck is added to your pool each day in order to fight bacteria. If you wish to swim while the puck is at work you can place it in a dispenser. In hand with the puck the pool must be shocked once a week. This is a liquid added to the water and you cannot swim in the water when the pool is being shocked therefore most people shock their pools at night.

Non-chlorine Shock: If your pool uses chlorine but you have a lining than you will have to use a powder shock. Liquid shocks can fade the lining of your pool. With a powder shock it works with the existing chlorine in the pool to keep it clean and disinfected. You can swim even if the powder shock is at work.

Bromine: Bromine comes in pucks and is a different chemical used in place of chlorine. It is very effective at fighting algae so many people prefer it to chlorine. Bromine is also used in connection with a weekly shock.

Salt Water: One of the biggest trends is salt water pools which are easier on your hair and skin. However people do not realize that the salt works with a chlorine generator. Salt water still requires a weekly shock using a special line made for your chlorine generator.

Ozone: Ozone is the only chemical that does not work in conjunction with a shock so it is lower maintenance.

Alternative to Chlorine Pools: An excellent alternative to chlorine pools is using a microprocessor that works with copper and silver electrodes to naturally purify water. They keep water clean and clear with minimal use of chlorine for the closest to a chemical free pool as possible.

As you can see there are many options to keep your pool water clean and clear.

If you are interested in an alternative to chlorine pools speak to Mineral Pure or visit for more information about their systems today.