Signs Your Vehicle Needs Transmission Repair in Mesa

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Autos Repair

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Many drivers think very little of their transmission system until it begins to exhibit signs of problems. Many drivers are unaware of the signs or ignore them, leading to extensive problems with their transmission. It is imperative people are aware of the warning signs their vehicle will exhibit when it needs transmission repair in Mesa. The moment warning signs begin to show, it is imperative an owner takes their vehicle in for repair. Typical warning signs of transmissions prosblems include:

? When a vehicle needs Transmission Repair in Mesa, it will begin to make strange sounds when changing gears. Whether manual or automatic, a vehicle may make roaring or whining sounds. It may also seem to stall between changing gears. These signs mean one or more of the gears in the transmission have become worn. In some cases, the transmission may be able to be rebuilt.

? If a vehicle will not move out of the park and the engine revs when placed in drive, the transmission needs to be looked at immediately. Though it may simply mean first gear has gone bad, there are also other issues that could be occurring. A qualified transmission repair technician can find the cause of the problem so it can be properly repaired.

? Leaking transmission fluid is always a sign of problems with the transmission. Fortunately, transmission fluid is dyed red, so it is easy to spot when it is leaking. If a vehicle owner sees puddles of red fluid under their vehicle, it should not be driven until it has been checked. Driving a vehicle with a leaking transmission can lead to a complete failure of the transmission and an expensive replacement.

These signs do not always mean a transmission needs to be replaced. In some instances, the signs may be caused by low transmission fluid levels or a problem with a single gear. Having a vehicle fully inspected will allow a transmission expert to find the cause of the transmission issues so they can either be repaired, or the transmission can be replaced. To keep a transmission working properly, the owner should have the transmission serviced at least once a year. For more information, contact Business Name.