Signs To Spot Before Calling A Roofing Contractor in St. Louis

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Remodeling

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Most homeowners work hard to make sure their homes look nice and are well maintained. However, many of these same homeowners overlook one very important aspect of the home. Your home’s roof is one of the most important pieces of your home. By not maintaining your roof you’re putting the rest of your home in jeopardy. Don’t rush to make repairs on your home just yet. Let’s take a look at a couple of signs you should look out for before calling a Roofing Contractor in St. Louis.


How are the shingles holding up on your roof? When inspecting your roof there should be no missing shingles. Every shingle should be in place and accounted for. Take a close look at each shingle and look at the condition of the granules. Roofing granules are attached to asphalt shingles and are meant to defend against the weather. Seeing a few loose or missing granules is one thing, but having massive amounts missing is a completely different story. Shingles that are loose, or shingles that have missing granules, need to be replaced by a Roofing Contractor as soon as possible.


You also want to check other areas around your home. For instance, have a look inside your attic to see if everything is fine. Often times, problem areas go unnoticed when the roof is inspected. If you have a leak in your roof, you should be able to spot it while in your attic. Check the floor of the attic to see if you can spot any warped or rotting wood. If you do, then a Roofing Contractor in St. Louis needs to be called immediately. The leak needs to be found and repaired before more damage can be done.


Lastly, you’ll also want to check the rest of your home’s interior. More specifically you’ll want to check the ceilings and walls inside of the home. Often times homeowners don’t realize their home has a leak until water rings start to form along walls and ceilings. If you notice water damage, call a contractor right away.


These are just a few of the signs every homeowner should watch out for. Again, inspect your roof regularly and note any problem areas you come across. Also check the interior of your home for any signs of rotting wood or water damage.