Signs it is Time for Tree Removal in Fairfield Connecticut

by | Jul 27, 2016 | Landscaping

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In the majority of situations, homeowners don’t have to worry about the trees on their property. However, time, weather, disease, changes in the environment and insects can harm trees in a number of ways. If the tree becomes damaged or even dies, it will be time to call for professional Tree Removal in Fairfield Connecticut. However, some homeowners wonder how to tell, for sure, that removal is necessary. Some of the signs it is time for this can be found here.

Issues with the Foliage

If the tree has lost all or most of its foliage, or it does not grow new foliage when other trees like it do, it is likely dead. If this occurs, then a homeowner can feel confident that it is time for Tree Removal in Fairfield Connecticut.

Decay on the Tree

If there are a few damaged branches on the tree, these can typically be removed without having to remove the entire tree. However, if there are numerous broken or damaged branches, especially on just one side of the tree, then chances are the homeowner should be removed.


The occasional mushroom or another type of fungus beneath the tree, or close to the trunk, is no real cause for concern. However, if the growths are present on the actual tree trunk, it may be in indication of internal rot. It is best to have a professional evaluate the condition of the tree to determine if it should be removed.

Damage to the Roots

If over 50 percent of the root system has been damaged because of a storm, excavation or some other cause, a homeowner may see more issues down the road. Removing the tree may be necessary to prevent further issues down the road.

If a homeowner needs more information about tree removal services, they can contact the staff at Northeast Horticultural Services. There is also information available at the vwebsite. Taking the time to learn that is problem present will help minimize serious issues from arising that could be quite problematic. If tree removal is put off, it may fall and cause damage to property or injure someone nearby.