Signs a Home Needs Water Treatment in Leesburg, FL

by | May 4, 2017 | Business

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Most modern homes use city water. This can be fantastically convenient, as it allows every resident to have unlimited running water at his or her fingertips, but it can also lead to certain problems. Although municipal treatment facilities are specifically designed to remove harmful substances from water before it is piped into residential homes, there are almost always some potentially harmful materials that still make it into residential water supplies. The quality of tap water is often inconsistent at best, so homeowners should always keep an eye out for warning signs that their homes might require Water Treatment in Leesburg FL.

Water is Discolored

If the water coming out of the kitchen sink is not completely clear, it may be a sign that the municipal water supply is not 100% clean. A little bit of discoloration in the first few seconds after the water has been turned on usually indicates problems within the home’s pipes, but if the discoloration continues, it’s safe to assume that the water is contaminated.

Lime Scale Buildup

Over time, hard water causes the buildup of chalky substances on the surfaces it touches. The patches that these create are known as lime scale. Some of the most susceptible areas are also the least easy to evaluate, as lime scale most commonly occurs inside of pipes, but similar signs may show up in baths, showers, or beneath faucets. If the lime scale is appearing in visible locations, it is almost certainly restricting water access in the pipes. Keep in mind that in order to avoid this problem, a point of entry system will be necessary.

Soapy Residue on Clothes, Dishes and Skin

It’s a known fact that hard water doesn’t clean soap off of surfaces as well as treated water. One particularly noticeable result of this deficiency is that clothes, glasses, plates, and other items being washed with tap water just don’t ever seem to really get completely clean. Residents may even notice that they have a hard time rinsing the soap off their skin when taking showers. The solution is simple, though. Residential water treatment in Leesburg FL is an easy and effective way to mitigate these problems and ensure that all the tap water in a home is free from contaminants. Click here for more information.