Should You Hire A Personal Injury Attorney In Baltimore?

by | Jan 5, 2015 | Law

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After an accident, an injured person may be told by an insurance adjuster that they do not need an attorney. After all, the attorney will receive a portion of the settlement. There is a settlement being offered that seems fair. All the accident victim needs to do is to sign on the bottom line and receive a check.


Insurance adjusters aren’t bad people, but they do represent their employer, the insurance company. Their paycheck comes from the insurance company, motivating them to get the lowest possible settlement. So, is it likely that an attorney can negotiate a higher settlement?


Yes, injury victims with attorneys receive, on average and after attorney’s fees, over 3 times as much as they would have received without an attorney. This figure comes from The Insurance Resource Council – and they should know. This is a non-profit organization that receives funding from insurance companies. Insurance adjusters know this and it explains why they are so eager for injury victims to accept settlements without an attorney’s involvement.


Some victims are so stressed from their injuries that they do not feel able to deal with the hassle of pursuing an insurance claim. It is true that a claim handled by an attorney will likely take longer to settle. However, the upside is that it is the attorney who is dealing with the hassle, not the victim. Dealing with the medical issues is enough to deal with. Let the Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore deal with the insurance company.


An injury victim should ask themselves if they know how to get all that they are entitled to. Do they understand the intricacies of medical billing and how that may relate to their claim? How will pain and suffering be valued? How are future medical costs estimated? What exactly does all of the fine print on the insurance policy mean? The insurance company has people who answer these questions every day.


The law offices of frank e turney p.a. has been providing a wide range of legal services to their Baltimore, MD area clients since 1993. No one who has been injured because of the negligence of another should have to deal with the problems alone. This experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore is focused on helping to get victims the compensation that they are due. Visit the website to learn more about how the firm can help and to schedule a free consultation.