One of the benefits of using the Shopify platform for an online store or ecommerce website is the ease of use and the do-it-yourself friendly style. You don?t need to hire someone to set up your site, but you may find that you could use some help from a Shopify SEO professionals to boost your ability to market your site.
By working with a Shopify SEO expert, you can turn a website that looks great into a website that gets a lot of traffic too. Finding a way to move up the search engine rankings in an organic search takes knowledge, experience, a keen understanding of what the search engine algorithms are looking for and what gets penalized.
There are several starting points for improving Shopify SEO. The consultant you hire will determine the areas of improvement for your site and make the changes that will have an impact on your website?s visibility through search engine sites.
Website Structure
One very important element of Shopify SEO is based on the structure of the website. You want to have pages that are correctly categorized and have a uniform URL structure that makes each page identifiable through the search engine crawlers.
When websites are not correctly set up search engines do not index them properly. To make things worse, the person setting up the site often has no idea what the problem may be. The website has to have categories and subcategories that make sense and that flow in structure.
No Duplication
One of the biggest and most common mistakes faced by Shopify SEO consultants is duplicate content. This typically happens in item descriptions that have been cut and pasted from the distributor?s website or even from one website to another.
Not only does this work against your organic rankings, but it also provides nothing of value to customers who will find the same description on other websites. You don?t have to rewrite everything, but you should not have identical content.
Your Shopify SEO can provide options, such as the robots.txt option, that allows the content to be seen on your site but blocks it from access by the search engine crawlers.
Working with a Shopify SEO professional in the early stages of your website development is a great idea. This will allow you to get the structure right and then add content and pages to boost your SEO potential rather than tear it down.