Save Money on Roof Repair in Tacoma WA

by | Sep 18, 2018 | Roofing

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The roof of a structure protects the building, the occupants, and all the belongings kept there. It is interesting that most homeowners neglect the roof in terms of regular inspections and maintenance. In most cases expensive Roof Repair in Tacoma WA can be avoided with proper care and maintenance. Waiting until a problem is blatantly obvious is often too late because major damage has already been done by that point.

Leaks as an Example

A slow leak on the roof can be allowing water into the building and damaging insulation for months before the homeowner notices a water stain on the second story ceiling. In that time, insects and rodents have invaded the home and live in the attic. The insulation has been rendered useless, so utility bills have spiked. Belongings stored in the attic are ruined.

Now Roof Repair in Tacoma WA must include taking out old insulation, getting rid of the pests, and cleaning the area completely before having new insulation installed. Interior support beams and inner walls may have to be replaced if there has been any wood rotted. The waterproofing layer under the shingles needs to be replaced, and the leak still must be repaired. If the roof was protected by a maintenance agreement the technician would have inspected the roof quarterly, noticed the leak early, and fixed it while it was still a minor repair.

Maintenance Agreements

The money saved with an inexpensive maintenance agreement practically covers the total cost. Another benefit is that the company calls the homeowner to schedule services. This eliminates the danger of forgetting to arrange to have inspections and preventative maintenance done on the roof. There is no neglect because the initiation of services is not left with the busy homeowner.

Find a company that offers maintenance plans and participate for one-year. If no money is saved, do not continue to participate. Keep track of roof repair costs and frequency, any unexplained spikes in utility bills, and the information provided at each inspection. In addition to having minor repairs done before they are major, homeowners know the condition of the roof and can plan ahead for a replacement a few years before one is necessary.