While it is true that you can save a substantial amount of money by purchasing a used RV, there are many lemons out there. Taking certain precautions can help you weed them out. Here is some helpful guidance when you’re searching for a quality and safe RV.
RV’s require a significant amount of maintenance, and that is why it is crucial to obtain a thorough inspection prior to purchase. Not all owner’s invest in the necessary maintenance to keep their RV’s up to par. Ignoring these necessary, routine updates can lead to an RV in need of repairs that come with a hefty price tag.
This Could Be You!
A couple buys their first RV after finding an ad in their local paper,
“RV for Sale, Phoenix. Great condition, low miles, low price. Hurry, this won’t last long.”
Unfortunately, this nice young couple did not have much knowledge of RVs and the purchase they were looking to make. They were so excited to experience their trip across America, that their emotions got the best of the ability to scrutinize the situation.
Your First Red Flag
The couple did notice a few things that appeared unusual and improperly built. When questioning the seller about these defects the routine answer was, “All RV’s are like this.” This smooth salesman told them about his 35 years of owning RV’s and how they will never see another one in this shape at that price.
The Purchase
The couple put their trust in the seller, and made the worst investment of their life. They made it almost 100 miles before the RV broke down completely. The technician dispatched to get them back on the road shook his head at the lemon he was looking at. Fast-forward several weeks, and many trips to the mechanic, this poor couple spent over $6000 in repairs, and missed their four-week vacation to drive across America.
Is it Ever Safe to Purchase a Used RV for sale?
The answer to this is an absolute YES. There are many reputable RV companies that sell new and used RVs. Some may even provide limited warranties on their pre-owned inventory.
For more information on purchasing quality, used RVs, check out Beaver Coach Sales & Service