In Florida, employers process accident claims through worker’s compensation insurance. On-the-job injuries could qualify workers for full medical benefits and monetary assistance. Workers Compensation Lawyers in Vero Beach, FL help workers when they are denied coverage.
What is the Process for Filing a Claim?
The accident is reported to the worker’s immediate supervisor. Next, the worker is sent to the ER or an urgent care facility. The attending doctor conducts tests and provides a proper diagnosis. A medical report is completed by the doctor and sent to the insurer. The report determines how long the employee needs to recover. Their exact injuries are listed on the report.
What Does the Claim’s Adjuster Do?
The claim adjuster compares the worker’s accident to the terms of the insurance policy. The worker must comply with all company policies including safety policies as well as drug and alcohol policies. If the worker doesn’t comply, the claim is denied. The worker is tested for drugs and alcohol when they visit the doctor. The claim adjuster must decide the claim and notify the worker.
What are the Benefits Provided by Worker’s Compensation?
The claim provides the worker with medical payments for the initial assessment. If the worker’s claim is approved, the worker receives full medical payments for their treatment. Workers who aren’t able to return to work receive monetary benefits. The policies provide between eighty and ninety percent of the worker’s wages.
How are Denials Managed?
An attorney reviews the documents and determines if the worker has a viable claim. The worker has the right to file a legal claim against their employer and the insurer. The claim could present the worker with a lump-sum settlement to compensate them for any losses.
In Florida, injured workers file a legal claim when they are denied benefits through worker’s compensation. Under worker’s compensation laws, the employer must provide injured workers with access to medical payments and monetary benefits. A claim is submitted by the employer to determine if the worker is eligible for the benefits. Workers who were denied benefits contact Workers Compensation Lawyers in Vero Beach, FL at Matheson & Horowitz today.