Remove the sagging and bags from your upper and lower eyelids

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Eye Doctor

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Cosmetic surgeries are becoming more and more common as time goes on to help celebrities and everyday people feel better about their looks and to turn back the signs of aging. Injections of Botox can soften lines and tighten up certain areas but can’t do everything. When you have bags under your eyes or sagging upper eyelids that cannot be remedied any other way, an eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty could be just what the doctor ordered.

What is a blepharoplasty?
The term blepharoplasty means quite simply ‘eyelid surgery’ and can involve either the upper or lower eyelids or both of them together. It normally involves making a small incision to remove a piece of skin or some underlying fat to remove bagging and sagging around the eyes. This gives an instant youthful look to your overall face and can be performed on both men and women. The procedure is quick and can be done in one morning. Amazingly, an upper eyelid lift can be performed with just loacal anesthetic. When doing the lower lids, mild sedation is used, which makes teh porcedure very comfortable for most patients.

How long is the recovery time?
For the first two weeks after the surgery you may notice bruising and slight discoloration around the incision area. This is perfectly normal and will soon fade away or can be masked by make-ups. Swelling may last for up to 6 weeks and is dependent on how much was done to your eyelids during the surgery. Stitches used in the surgery are dissolvable and will not need to be removed by a doctor, which saves on additional stress or bruising to the eyelids. The incision will be made within the natural crease of the lid which keeps any lingering scars well hidden.

What are the risks involved?
Safety is always a concern and you should make sure to talk with your doctor about what safety precautions are taken. As with any procedure, infections are a risk to consider, however with an experienced and well-trained cosmetic surgeon, this risk is extremely minimal. Antibiotics are applied to the incision site and all after-care instructions are gone over with you carefully. Any current medication or supplements you are currently on will be thoroughly discussed before the surgery to eliminate the risk of any reactions. Overall, it is an extremely safe cosmetic surgery.