After you have been in a devastating car wreck, you might be left with limited use of your hands, legs, arms and feet. You also may not be able to turn your head or stand up and sit down without experiencing intense pain.
You may be unable to wait for your body to heal on its own. You need to resume your normal routine as quickly as possible. You might heal faster and resume your normal range of motion by undergoing professional physical therapy services in Glendale, AZ.
Regaining Feeling and Motion in Your Limbs
When you undergo these services, you might regain motion and feeling in your arms and legs. The accident might have left you with pinched nerves and discs in your spinal column. The damages may have negatively affected your ability to bear weight on your legs, open and close your hands and lift your legs or arms normally.
The therapy you receive can ease the pain and tension out of your muscles, nerves and ligaments. You may be able to move better gradually and avoid experiencing intense pain whenever you try to walk, bend over, lift, write and handle other basic tasks.
Physical therapy services in Glendale, AZ can also spare you from having to take pain medications for relief. You also may avoid having to undergo surgery to heal injuries like slipped discs. You might heal faster and be able to go back to your normal routine quicker.