Reasons for Choosing Cremation in Scranton, PA

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Cremation

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More and more Americans are opting to go with cremation when putting together final arrangement plans for themselves or loved ones. Selecting cremation in Scranton PA has, in recent years, become a more socially acceptable replacement for in-ground burials.

To begin with, cremation costs only a small percentage of a burial that requires a coffin and vault. By opting for cremation in Scranton PA, one also goes around paying for a cemetery plot and headstone. Urns for cremated remains come in a wide range of prices that will fit any budget. Cremation also affords tremendous flexibility when it comes to funerals or memorial services. Once a body is cremated, the service can be held days, or even months, later.

Cremation is also the most environmentally friendly and responsible option. While more and more land is used for graveyards, cremation requires no land at all. Additionally, cremation allows one to avoid the chemicals used in the embalming process that can, over years, affect the natural ecosystem.

Probably the best feature of cremation is the flexibility it affords. Cremains can be stored in an urn and kept on a mantle or scattered almost anywhere. If you or your loved one had a special location, such as a vacation spot or family cabin that held special memories, the ashes could be scattered there. There is also the possibility of scattering ashes at sea or from an airplane. There are even businesses that specialize in rockets that send cremated remains into space. Some people even wish to have their ashes scattered at the happiest place on Earth. While scattering ashes at any Disney Park is against the rules, the process of “wildcat scattering,” or discreetly scattering without permission, is often employed.

Finally, there are even more artistic and inventive ways to dispose of cremated remains. The ashes can be transformed into synthetic diamonds that are set in pieces of jewelry. Cremains can also be mixed into tattoo ink allowing the creation of a memorial that one can wear forever. Whatever the final decision, cremation has become a flexible, affordable, viable option for many people.