A veteran, his or dependants or survivors have the right to claim VA disability benefits. When applying for VA disability benefits there are a number of different types of applications. A veteran that suffers a disability which is service related can apply for compensation benefits which provide a monthly payment paid for illness, injury or aggravation of an existing condition due to the applicants military service.
Compensation benefits are not the only benefits available to veterans, one of which is healthcare. The VA healthcare system, despite the bad press it gets is still the largest and best health care providers. Not everyone applying for VA disability benefits will be accepted, an existing program categorizes veterans that need these services. To be eligible, the applicant must have a service connected rating, low income and few assets or extraordinary injuries.
Applying for VA benefits:
All claims must be submitted in writing, the claim can be submitted to any office of Veterans Affairs. VA offices are located in every state.
Once the claim has been submitted to a regional office; that office is mandated to render a decision. The decision is made after the application and the accompanying evidence has been studied thoroughly. The applicant will eventually receive a notice of the decision rendered; the claim will either be accepted or rejected.
What can be done in the event of a denial of benefits?
If the application for VA disability benefits is denied either partially or in full, the applicant has the right to file what is known as a NOD; Notice of Disagreement. Once the NOD has been received by the regional office they must prepare a statement of case which explains in detail why the application was rejected and the veteran’s benefits were denied. If the applicant is still of the opinion that benefits should be granted they can appeal directly to the Board of Veterans Appeals in Washington D.C.
Applying for VA disability benefits does not automatically guarantee that the claim will be approved. In the event the claim is denied it is always a good decision to engage the services of a qualified VA disability attorney. You are invited to contact Jackson & MacNichol, Attorneys at Law. Like us on our facebook page.