Primary Reasons To Install Outdoor Marble Tile in Santa Cruz, CA

by | Jun 5, 2023 | Uncategorized

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The sun is finally out, meaning you will use your home outdoor living space in Palo Alto, CA more for relaxing, parties, or events. Whether you are adding a new outdoor relaxing area or want to update your old one, one key factor to consider is the material you use.

Your materials will determine the area’s aesthetic appeal, durability, and weather resistance. Marble is among the most preferred materials for outdoor use because of its numerous benefits.


This is the main reason many people for outdoor marble tile in Santa Cruz, CA. It is temperature-resistant and robust enough to withstand snow, rain, ice, and strong wind.

Elegance and beauty

Whether you use natural or manufactured marble, it comes in various colors, finishes, and designs, guaranteeing a beautiful look that matches numerous themes and color combinations. You can choose fine-honed, bush-hammered, sandblasted, sawed, or split-faced marble.

Tumbled finish

This finish offers an added grip for your feet and car tiers, minimizing skidding, slips, and falls, making it safe even for children.


Natural marble is bacteria-resistant and minimizes the collection of pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. It is also stain-resistant, meaning dark liquid spills will not likely leave permanent marks. Marble tiles are easy to clean using a soft cloth, mild soap, and water.

Sealing is among the best ways to maintain the marble for your home outdoor living space in Palo Alto, CA.

Cooling effect

Marble’s temperature-resistant nature makes it dissipate heat faster than other materials. It is also dense, meaning it requires a lot of heat to warm up.

Carmel Stone Imports is a primary West Coast Importer, retailer, and wholesaler to get high-quality marble tiles in Santa Cruz, CA. Visit to view their products and order online.