Prevent Gum Disease With Floss And A Gum Brush In Lake Worth FL

by | Aug 18, 2016 | Dentists

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Most people know the importance of preventing cavities by brushing and rinsing on a daily basis. However, an often forgotten dental problem is gum disease. This disease begins when bacteria multiplies on the gum line. If it progresses, tooth loss is imminent. Sometimes simply brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste isn’t enough to prevent gum disease. There are other steps everyone should add to their daily dental hygiene routine to help prevent gum disease.

Use a Special Brush

Toothbrushes are designed with teeth in mind. While it is smart to also brush the gum line with a toothbrush, it is not as effective as using a specialized Gum Brush in Lake Worth FL. This type of brush is called a proxy brush. Unlike a toothbrush, a proxy brush is designed to clean all of the hard-to-reach places that most toothbrushes miss. A proxy brush is often referred to as a Christmas tree brush because of its conical, rough bristles. The brush is capable of cleaning between each tooth, where bacteria likes to hide. It can also reach below the surface of the gum line, removing tarter that would normally be missed with a regular toothbrush. A proxy brush should be used after brushing the teeth. Most dentists recommend using it at least once a day to prevent gum disease.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Every dentist will say that flossing is a vital part of dental hygiene, yet many patients forgo this step. Flossing involves using a thin piece of string to remove any food or bacteria from between the teeth. Most flosses are coated with wax, which makes them glide easily between every tooth. Floss can even fit between crowded teeth. When flossing, it’s important to bring the floss down to the gum line. Choose a large piece of floss, and move to a clean spot for each tooth. Some companies even make dental picks with that have a piece of floss attached. These picks are perfect for flossing away from home. “domain URL” has videos that demonstrate the proper way to floss.

Gum disease is the number one reason for tooth loss; however, it is possible to prevent this disease by practicing proper dental hygiene on a daily basis. Both floss and a Gum Brush in Lake Worth FL are two ways patients can ensure the health of their gum tissue. Pink, firm and healthy gums are a good reason to smile.You can follow them on Twitter.