Preparing for What to Expect During Your Eye Exam in Colorado Springs

by | Apr 25, 2022 | Uncategorized

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Whether you know that you need glasses or you just need to visit a doctor to have your eyes checked, you’ll need to have an exam performed. If you’ve never had one done or if it’s been a while, there are a few things that you can usually expect to take place.

Medical Details

When you go to your doctor for an eye exam in Colorado Springs, CO, you want to talk about any medical conditions that could impact your vision. You also want to talk about any changes in your vision that you’ve experienced since your last visit. If you wear glasses or contacts, you should take them with you to the exam so that your doctor can see if the prescription needs to be adjusted.


One of the first things that the doctor will do during an eye exam in Colorado Springs, CO is check the movement of your eyes. This will look at the strength of the muscles and how they allow the eyes to move around and function while you look at a picture or a target, such as a penlight. You’ll usually take a cover test as well. One eye is covered at a time to see how your eyes move and to determine how far away you can see out of each eye.

Eye Chart

During this portion of the exam, you’ll look at a chart that has letters on it to see how many letters you can read on each line. This can help determine your overall vision and is often a factor in whether or not you need glasses.