Partagas Cigars – Quality Cuban Cigars

by | Jul 3, 2013 | Shopping

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1148444_lCuban cigars are often hard to come by—especially in countries like the United States.  With the trade embargo in place, Cuban cigars haven’t graced American shelves in decades.  However, it doesn’t mean that they’re exactly going without.  If you’ve never had a Cuban cigar because they remain elusive to get your hands on, there is a way around that.  Online stores headquartered overseas import Cuban cigars all the time, and primarily target their selling strategies toward Americans who are unable to buy the cigars at home.  There are plenty of counterfeits out there, and it’s important to know which ones are real and which ones aren’t.  Take Partagas cigars, for example.

Partagas is one of the oldest Cuban cigar brands.  The brand is used for cigars made in separate countries, by separate companies.  You can buy the cigars made by the company based in the Dominican Republic if you’d like.  The Cuban brand, however, is the one founded in 1845 in Havana and considered the true Cuban cigar.  If you’re trying to buy some of these Partagas cigars, good luck.  You can, however buy them online.  What was once out of reach can suddenly be highly attainable.

Buying your Cuban cigars from overseas is the best possible way to get them—unless you’re willing to pay really high prices for the cigars that have been smuggled in.  The vast majority of the Partagas cigars out are merely masquerading as such; pure counterfeits.  Trusted online tobacco stores have these cigars in stock, ready to ship discreetly and without distinguishing bands, so there aren’t any trademarks denoting where the cigars came from.  This is very important for American customers, for example, who just might get their package picked up by customs if there are distinguishing bands on the cigars.

Load up on your favourite Partagas cigars online and get the Cuban cigars you always wanted to get, but otherwise couldn’t obtain for whatever reason.  You won’t pay the high black market rates, and you can trust that the cigars you buy aren’t counterfeit.  These overseas companies build reputations on carrying quality brands, and know how important having access to quality Cuban cigars is to their customers.  Therefore, you know that you’re getting authentic Cuban quality for a reduced price.  The only other way to get them this cheap is to steal them, and who wants to do that?

Visit to learn more about buying authentic Cuban cigars online, shipped directly to you—no matter what country you live in.