Our Attorneys Fight for the Disability Rights of South Portland Veterans and Veterans Across the Nation

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Law

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Life After Active Duty Service Injuries

After you have served your country and returned home with injuries, you should expect to live your life as fully and comfortably as possible. You should be able to help your family and enjoy quality time with friends without the stress or worry about finances to pay your bills. Disability law is complicated. It’s best to consult with lawyers for disabled veterans who have a proven track record of success with disability claims. These lawyers will know how to fight for maximum benefits based on your injuries. You can trust that our team has the experience to cut through the red tape and help you win your case.

Lawyers for Veterans

Lawyers for disabled veterans spend their time consulting with clients who have lost limbs, lost sight or hearing, PTSD and other disorders, reassuring them that they have their best interests at heart. Our team understands how stressful it is to come home and live with service-related injuries. If your veteran disability claim has been denied, don’t give up. Schedule a meeting with our attorneys, and we will review your case with you and offer our best recommendations for proving your case. Our team of lawyers for disabled veterans understands how difficult life can be without finances.

You’re not alone, Help is available.

Your initial consultation is free, and we will listen to your case, discuss your injuries, and draft a precise plan to help you prevail. Jackson & MacNichol have been fighting for the rights of disabled veterans for over twenty years. We look forward to scheduling a meeting with you at your earliest convenience.