Need Ankle Surgery? Find an Ankle Surgeon in the Racine, WI

by | Jan 24, 2019 | Podiatrist

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People can have foot and ankle problems no matter where they live, and not all foot and ankle surgeons are exactly the same. If you ever find yourself needing surgery on your foot and/or ankle, and you happen to live in or near The Racine, WI, you are going to need a good ankle surgeon in The Racine, WI.

Ankle Surgery Performed By an Ankle Surgeon in the Racine, WI

At Sweeney Foot and Ankle Specialists, we specialize in a variety of different types of ankle procedures. The specific type of surgery you will need will depend on your particular ankle condition. We are both skilled and experienced in the following types of ankle surgery:

* Arthroscopy of the ankle and/or subtalar joints

* Ankle fusion/arthrodesis

* Surgical management of chronic ankle sprains

* Surgery of hindfoot and/or ankle deformities

The type of surgery you may need will depend on the type of ankle condition you are suffering from. We provide a thorough diagnosis on all of our patients and we treat your ankle and/or foot conditions accordingly.

Chronic Ankle Sprains Treated by an Ankle Surgeon in the Racine, WI

Believe it or not, even though an ankle sprain sounds like a common and somewhat minor condition of the ankle, an ankle sprain can actually be a serious enough injury that it requires surgical treatment. At Family Foot & Ankle Clinic, we can professionally diagnose your ankle sprain and determine whether or not it is serious enough to require treatment via surgery.

Both chronic and repeated ankle sprains can be the result of lateral collateral ankle ligament incompetence. These are the specific ligaments whose primary function is supporting and controlling motion within the joint of your ankle. These ligaments will often lose their ability to restrain the joint of your ankle within the normal range of motion whenever they are damaged from previous and/or repeated ankle sprains.

Characteristic symptoms of chronic ankle sprains can include the following:

* Constant and persistent ankle pain

* Difficulty walking- especially on uneven surfaces

* A feeling that your ankle is “giving way”

Chronic Ankle Pain Surgery by an Ankle Surgeon in the Racine, WI

Chronic ankle sprains that do not respond to conservative treatment will most likely require surgery, of which there are two main types. The Brostrom-Gould procedure involves using local tissue for reconstruction of the lateral collateral ligament complex. The tenodesis procedure involves using a tendon graft other graft material for reconstruction of the lateral collateral ligament complex.

If you ever find yourself needing ankle surgery of any kind, you definitely want a good ankle surgeon in The Racine, WI, which, of course, means you want Family Foot & Ankle Clinic.