Maximizing the Size of Workers Compensation Settlements in Macomb County MI

by | Jul 17, 2017 | Workers Compensation Attorney

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Most workers’ rights in the United States were obtained only after hard-fought, long-lasting battles. While some of the victories of decades past have since been rolled back, workers can still count on receiving support when certain things happen.

When a worker is injured on the job in Michigan, for example, and becomes so through no fault of their own, the law generally requires that the employer or their insurer pays compensation. In some cases, however, the offers that are made initially will simply not cover the harm that was done. Speaking with an attorney regarding workers compensation settlements in Macomb County MI before accepting any offer will therefore almost always be productive.

Settlement Offers are Always Voluntary and Should Never Be Accepted Under Duress

Some workers have a mistakenly pessimistic idea about their rights and the ability of the legal system to protect them. As a result, and frequently when under pressure from employers or their insurers, they sometimes end up accepting Workers Compensation Settlements in Macomb County MI that are far too low to account for the extent of the injuries they suffered.

That can be an extremely costly mistake. While a worker can never be forced to accept such an offer, signing an agreement will generally do away with the ability to seek out legal relief to force an employer to pay more. Instead of accepting any such offer, it will therefore normally be much more productive to speak with an attorney first.

Lawyers Regularly Help Clients Obtain Far More Compensation from Employers

As a look at a website like will show, that one decision can change the balance of power significantly for the better. With a lawyer working to make sure a client’s interests will always be protected, employers and insurers become a lot more inclined to be more generous with their offers.

An injured worker who has access to such representation will also benefit in other ways. Knowing that an attorney working for the other party might be ready to take a case to court will, in and of itself, also tend to increase the size of the settlement offers that might be made. For these reasons and others, almost every worker who is seriously injured on the job will do well to seek out legal counsel.