Massage Therapy in Charleston SC-Therapeutic Benefits

by | Jan 24, 2017 | Chiropractic

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Massage therapy in Charleston SC makes you feel great and offers some clear therapeutic benefits. Massage therapy in Charleston SC helps to relieve pain and enhance healing. Whether you have been in an accident, expecting a baby, have a sport injury, therapeutic massage can help to encourage the body to heal.

How it Works

Massage therapy that is focused on healing is a little different than your massage spa experience. While both types of massages have their benefits, and help you to feel better, a focused therapeutic massage helps with healing. For example, prenatal massage helps to address the muscle tightness that forms during pregnancy. By addressing specific trigger points the muscles relax and release and improve circulation and comfort. Therapeutic massage addresses the trigger points that can “knot” up after an injury.

The Therapeutic Benefits

As part of your treatment plan, massage therapy can work in conjunction with other methods to help restore your body. This type of massage can help to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Stimulate the muscles
  • Stimulate pressure points
  • Release muscles

Stress is a huge detractor from wellness. Most people think of the emotional benefits of reducing stress but there is a chemical component to stress that massage therapy can help to control. When muscles are tensed, or stressed due to injury it effects your entire body.

Stimulating the muscles helps to improve healing. Stimulating pressure points will help to unlock muscles and provide pain relief.

Releasing those tensed up muscles will improve overall wellness.

The Whole-Body Experience

Massage therapy can be used alone or it can be used with other approaches like chiropractic adjustments. A whole-body approach is the best way to approach wellness and it can include massage as one of the treatment options. Charleston Chiropractic Center addresses the whole body.