Bulk sales are something a company needs to obtain if it wishes to remain competitive in today’s market. This is true even if the market is for something less in demand such as flags. If a corporation can arrange for several clients to buy wholesales flags, it makes it more feasible for even custom-made flag producers to remain in business. Yet, who is a major market for flag makers?
Flag Markets
Essentially, those who buy wholesales flags, fall into two distinct markets: the retail market and the business market. Retailers focus on selling flags to individuals from a shop, or a business and perhaps, online. The business market purchased flags for companies, large commercial events and for business such as gas companies
Retail Markets
Some flags are sold the year around. This is true particularly of countries such as the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Yet, flag sales will increase on specific days. These are Flag Days or on National Holidays. These occur around the world. At these times, a retailer needs to buy wholesales, flags that symbolize the specific holiday.
Depending upon the cultural and ethnic make-up of the area a wholesale flag company may serve, it may find it will need several lots of the national flags of different countries. In the United States and Canada, for example, the rich cultural heritage of the country can result in a wide variety of flags being in demand for specific holidays. Canadians want flags for Canada Day (July 1). Americans wave their flags most fervently on July 4th, while the French fly flags proudly on July 14 – Bastille Day.
Around the world flags fly for a great many holidays. These include:
1. Flag Day – Found in both Europe and North America
2. Labor Day – A North American holiday although some countries refer to May Day as such
3. Liberation Day – held in many European countries indicating liberation from German occupation forces
4. May Day – throughout the World but strong in Europe and South America, less so in North America
5. Memorial Day – particularly United States
6. Veteran’s Day – United States
7. Victoria Day – Celebrated in Great Britain and countries holding ties and or allegiance to the monarch of Great Britain
Retailers also buy wholesales flags in large amounts prior to specific sporting events. Team flags increase in sale every time there is a significant event in a country’s popular sport. This is true for the final games of the American baseball’s World Series, the Canadian hockey’s Stanley Cup, and FIFA’s World Cup in soccer. This is also valid for sporting events involving the entire world. When the Olympic Games occur, the sale of national and Olympic flags goes up. People buy national flags to wave as they sit and watch the games at home. They also purchase them for a sports-themed party. Inviting people to come and watch the games while enjoying food, drink and conversation.
A retailer needs to buy wholesales flags for many reasons. As long as he or she deals with a creditable dealer, the supplies will be on time, and of sufficient amount and quality. A salesperson on one end and the individual in charge of ordering can accomplish this easily. All it will take is a phone call and/or a few quick clicks of a mouse by parties at both ends.