Unless you are a tech guru that understands the lingo, you probably won’t know the difference between unmanaged and managed VPS hosting. Most people that have a website know how their site operates, but they don’t really know the ins and outs of the different hosting options that are available. Although managed and unmanaged hosting are both options that will keep your website running smoothly, they vary greatly in terms of the services you will get and the price you will pay for the services.
When you are looking for web hosting options, it is important to know the exact services you will be getting, so you can be assured they will meet your particular needs. An unmanaged VPS account will not give you near as much convenience. You will be in total control of the account, and you will be on your own when it comes to setting the account up, managing it, and operating it. Although web companies offer support no matter what type of service is used, you will probably have a tough time using an unmanaged VPS account if you aren’t familiar with servers and how things operate.
If you have an unmanaged account, then it will be your problem to fix. Whether the problem is resource, software, performance, or configuration related, you are on your own. This is enough to scare anyone that doesn’t have any tech experience. The cost will be less for an unmanaged account, but sometimes it is better to pay the extra money to have professional help handling the hard part.
A managed VPS account will give you much more flexibility, and everything is taken care of for you. It may cost a little more, but the small difference in pricing is well worth it when you consider the fact that your hosting company will take care of everything for you. Simply load your websites to the server, and your hosting company will handle the hard part. They will ensure that you run at peak performance, so that you can give your customers the excellent services that they deserve without any downtime. Veeble Hosting is a leading provider of managed VPS hosting. Contact us today to learn more about managed hosting services, and the other high quality services we offer. Our experienced team will be pleased to help with any assistance that you may need.