Maintenance And Industrial Forklift Batteries

by | Jun 19, 2017 | Industrial Goods and Services

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If you operate an industrial forklift, you need to make certain it is always ready to perform its tasks. While, for some, a daily inspection of the lift, tires and related mechanical parts seems to suffice, it should not. Never neglect the maintenance of your industrial forklift batteries if you want them to function optimally in your Wisconsin plant or another site.

Life Span

Batteries are not perfect. They have a set expiry date. If you neglect them, it is unfortunate for the battery, the forklift and your employer. Industrial batteries, like their standard counterpart, require care and protection if you want them to last for their listed lifespan. By instituting a proper maintenance program, you may even be able to extend their lives and, therefore, increase the value of your overall investment.

Maintenance Tips

If you want to keep your forklift running properly, consider the following tips for the maintenance of your company’s industrial forklift batteries.

 * Charging: Avoid deep discharges. Always recharge when the battery dips below 30% but be careful to never over or undercharge it.

 * Watering: Be sure to water a new battery every 10 charges for the first few years of its use. For reconditioned batteries, you should water following every five charges. Between watering, check to see that water level is at the required height posted on the battery element protector.

 * Storage: Store only as charged and in a dry environment

 * Operational Environment: While this may not always be possible in states such as Wisconsin, try to operate the batteries in a moderate temperature never exceeding 113℉.

 * Cleaning: Make sure you keep the battery clean from excess or overflowing fluids. You also should rinse the batteries clear of any acid residue at least twice annually.

Industrial Forklift Batteries

Industrial forklift batteries are expensive to purchase for your Wisconsin facility. They are an investment worth protecting. Do so by ensuring they receive regular and proper maintenance.