Look Out for These Most Common Signs of Furnace Repair in Menifee, CA

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Heating Contractor

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There’s no need to worry about unexpected heating issues when one knows the signs of impending heating problems. Read on to learn more about the most common signs of heating issues and when to call for furnace repair in Menifee, CA.

The Furnace Smells

A furnace will usually smell the first one or two times it’s used at the start of the heating season as the furnace burns off accumulated dust. However, the furnace shouldn’t continue to emit odors after one or two heating cycles. Call an HVAC service company to determine what’s causing the unit to smell, such as motor and other mechanical problems.

Pilot Light Is Discolored

Gas furnaces have a pilot light. The pilot light should always be blue. If it’s orange or yellow, call for service right away. There could be a gas leak, or the unit might be leaking carbon monoxide.

Poor Heating

Many people put up with inconsistent heating because they don’t want to spend money on a problem that’s not too bad—at the moment. Eventually, the problem causing poor heating will create more problems that could lead to expensive heat repairs. If the unit isn’t heating the home properly, have it checked out ASAP.

To avoid unexpected heating problems and furnace repair in Menifee, CA, this winter, have a qualified service technician perform a heating inspection. Maintaining the unit and scheduling a professional tune-up helps people run their furnaces with confidence. For more information about furnace services, contact Business name online at Website Url.