Live Healthier With Duct Cleaning in Bellingham

by | Mar 7, 2017 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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You may have heard that household dust is comprised mostly of shed human skin and while dead human skin cells are a component of dust, it is just one of dozens, not the primary component. Depending on lifestyle habits and location a home’s dust varies but is likely made up of at least the following: shed skin cells, animal dander, insect waste, lint, food particles, mold spores, pollen, microscopic particulates, dirt, and sand.

No matter how often one cleans or has their home cleaned an accumulation of dust will always be present. Every time you clean, vacuum, or simply move throughout your home, dust is circulated into the air. Unless you live with a dust mask on your face, a percentage of dust will be inhaled. Most of the time the issues are minimal, but for those with compromised immune systems or respiratory conditions, like asthmatics, the results can be severe.

Effective methods of reducing dust accumulation in the home include using a doormat to clean shoes off before entering the home, replacing carpeting in the home with tile, hardwood, or other hard-surface flooring material, and installing an air-cleaner on the home’s HVAC system. One of the best methods, however, is Duct Cleaning in Bellingham, to decrease the levels of dust in your home.

Many people are diligent when it comes to weekly dusting and vacuuming but neglect the air ducts, albeit not out of sheer negligence, but more so because they are out-of-sight and out-of-mind. A company like  can perform this service every few years, providing a healthier living environment. If any of the home’s occupants are exhibiting signs such as red or watery eyes or sneezing and sniffling, a check of the home’s duct work is in order. Another indicator is the presence of dirt or mold in the ducts upon inspection.

Just how does a Duct Cleaning in Bellingham company remove dust from a home’s duct work in a manner that the homeowner can’t achieve? First, they have specialized equipment designed to reach into and gently remove dust, from the interior of the ducts. Armed with soft-bristled brushes, the dirt and mold is loosened from the walls of the duct work and vacuumed up with a high-suction vacuum. Collection tanks located outside the home collect and store the debris so that it can be hauled away when the job is complete.

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