Shooting your first gun is simply a right of passage. While it is fun to ready, aim, and fire at your intended target, it is important to keep Gun Safety in Sheperdsville KY in mind at all times. Place a gun in hands of the untrained, and it is a recipe for a disaster. According to federal statistics, half of the homes in the United States have guns. Even if you personally do not have a gun, that does not mean your child will not encounter a home where guns reside, making gun safety a must for all kids.
The first step in Gun Safety in Sheperdsville KY is simply to talk to your kids about guns and their dangers. This is a conversation that should be visited often throughout the life of your child. Guns should be discussed when the child first shows any interest in a firearm. Usually, children start enjoying toy guns at a very young age, which makes a perfect segue into talking openly and often about the difference between toy guns and real guns. During this time, there should be a standard set of rules that your child or children know and follow regarding real guns. If children are too young to attend a gun safety class, the rule should simply be if they see a gun, do not touch it, and get an adult immediately.
There are some very basic Gun Safety in Sheperdsville KY rules that everyone should know and follow when a gun is being used. First, the gun should always be pointed in a safe direction. The gun should never be pointed at someone or at yourself. Rule two, keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. The last and most important rule is to keep the gun unloaded until you are ready to use it. When you are finished using the gun, make sure it is unloaded before putting it up.
If you and your family are ready to take classes on Gun Safety in Sheperdsville KY, Knob Creek Range is a family friendly place to learn all about guns and to practice shooting.