HVAC in Hartford CT and the surrounding area may include furnaces that run on natural gas, liquid propane gas (LPG) or heating oil. Fuel oil furnaces in the northeastern United States are more common than in other parts of the country. The earth composition and terrain in the Northeast historically made it difficult to install natural gas pipelines, so people relied on oil. Even now, many homeowners who have the option of natural gas stick with their tried-and-true fuel oil furnace system.
How are these three substances different in regard to delivery? Natural gas is brought to homes by underground pipelines installed by municipal utility companies. LPG and fuel oil are delivered by tanker truck from independent businesses. Either way, the homeowner is a customer of the fuel supplier. With LPG and heating oil, the fuel is stored in a tank somewhere on the property, but natural gas is delivered through the pipeline on demand. LPG normally is only used by rural property owners. Both rural and city dwellers can use heating oil if they choose to have this type of furnace. They need to schedule deliveries with a company such as Superior Fuel.
The price of heating oil during the winter can be more volatile than the price of natural gas. Sometimes that works in the homeowner’s favor financially and sometimes it costs more. People who choose fuel oil over natural gas for HVAC in Hartford CT can manage this problem by contracting with a company before the season begins and lock in a price. Some delivery services offer the option to pay for the season’s fuel upfront at a specific price per gallon. Others guarantee a maximum price per gallon throughout the season when a homeowner signs a contract for regular automatic delivery, but still billed separately each time. These are convenient options because they streamline the process, just as the delivery of natural gas is streamlined. The homeowner can count on having plenty of fuel for heating and does not need to make phone calls to schedule a delivery as needed. See the website Superiorfuelinc.com for details on this company.