In a recent study, 54 percent of consumers said they actually wanted to receive mail about brands they’re interested in, according to Small Business Trends. So if you can find the right potential customers, or even business clients, to target in your mailings, you can dramatically increase your direct mail success. One way to improve your direct mailings is to hire a direct mail services company. And here are some key reasons to do so.
You have a much better chance to execute a successful mailing by using a Direct Mail Services Atlanta, GA company. Chances are this firm has worked with similar clients and knows how to get results. It may also know the end-users names, which will give a more personal touch to your mailings.
Less Money
It would cost you significantly more to put a direct mailing together at your business venue. You would have to make the copies, buy the envelopes and incur the cost of postage for the mailing. Contrarily, most direct mail houses enjoy greater economies of scale by purchasing in bulk. And they can mail things a lot cheaper than you can.
Save Time
When you get to the point you’re mailing 5,000, 10,000 or even 50,000 pieces per month, it just makes sense to use a Direct Mail Services Atlanta, GA firm. That way you and your employees can focus on other projects or responsibilities, such as recruiting and training new employees, formulating new policies and implementing new growth strategies.
Higher Response Rates
The wordsmiths at direct mail agencies have a knack for creating copy that entices people to buy or seek additional information. These companies can also better target specific demographic groups for higher response rates.
More Repeat Business
Once you have the leads generated by your Direct Mail Services Atlanta, GA firm, you can follow up with these people for future sales. And that’s the key to really growing your business.
If you’re interested in adding direct mail to your marketing mix, then drop us a line. Tucker Castleberry standing by to answer any questions, and, most importantly, to help you get your mail opened.