Keeping it Natural With Landscape Design in Long Island NY

by | Sep 19, 2016 | Landscaping

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Long Island is characterized by many miles of shoreline and is home to wetlands and other areas that are essential for wildlife. Property owners who live in the water or near wetlands need to consider Landscape Design in Long Island NY that benefits the natural environment. The same is true for property owners who are fortunate enough to have a stream running through or bordering their land.

Some homeowners, for instance, have a yard that has no manicured lawn space at all. They choose native greenery, wildflowers and other plants that songbirds and other wildlife appreciate. It also doesn’t require chemicals that are harmful to wildlife and the environment in general. Chemical fertilizers that are usually required to keep a lawn thick and green, for example, will run off into waterways to some extent after rainfall. Homeowners who truly want at least some lovely, well-tended grass in the yard might consider having a border of other vegetation along the waterways. Native sedges, for instance, are attractive as grass replacements since they look similar to large blades of grass and provide a full, lush green space for areas of the property.

Property owners also may carefully consider Landscape Design in Long Island NY that won’t require insecticides to keep it in excellent condition. This can be a problem for someone who wants to have apple trees, for instance. Yet spraying trees with pesticide is harmful to beneficial insects, including bees and butterflies, that pollinate plants. Too much poison drifting through the air and onto a yard is also harmful to squirrels, birds, frogs and toads.

It’s important for Long Island residents to understand their place in the delicate ecosystem of this area. People certainly can share this environment with songbirds, herons and sandhill cranes, as well as majestic deer and playful raccoons. Ducks and geese populate the waterways, and many residents are fortunate enough to see swans and loons on occasion. Working with a contractor such as AC Landscaping helps property owners create a private residential environment that welcomes these critters and still is aesthetically appealing. Visit the website  to learn more about this organization.