Is it Time for Heating Repair Service or Replacement?

by | Aug 13, 2015 | Heating

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Home owners have quite a few responsibilities when it comes to keeping their home systems working properly. Plumbing, electric, heating, cooling the list goes on and on. When something goes wrong, many home owners simply throw their hands up in the air, ready to replace the offending appliance. However, this may not be necessary for every situation. Home owners often need a few tips to tell if they truly need heating repair service or if replacement is the better option.

If there is a standing pilot furnace or an air conditioning manufactured before 1992, it is time to consider replacing the entire unit, even if there is no issue present. The reality of the situation is the furnace in place is about 65 percent efficient and likely costing the home owner quite a bit of money. The amount saved in utility costs will certainly help pay for the new unit. Also, it is not a matter of if heating repair service is going to be needed soon, but when.

Take some time to research what is available prior to replacing the unit so an educated decision can be made. While it may be tempting to jump into any furnace available, this may not be a good decision in the long run.

Another sign a replacement heater is needed is if the heat exchanger is cracked. It really does not make sense to repair this issue since it can be costly. In fact, there are likely new heating units available cheaper than what the cost would be for repairing the cracked heat exchanger. Additionally, ask about the types of warranties available on your unit. A suitable warranty will help with any repair issues to arise in the future.

For home owners who are unsure whether replacement or repair is needed, visit website. Here, visitors can have questions answered and schedule an appointment to have their unit evaluated. If a replacement is necessary, the professionals from this location can provide them with the best options for their home and needs. If repair is indeed the best option, experts at Arctic Heat and Air can also provide the necessary repairs in a timely and efficient manner, ensuring the unit is back in proper working condition quickly.

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