You hear stories in the news about parents and even coaches losing it at children’s sporting events everyday. From a hockey coach tripping a child on his opponent’s team to parents almost killing each other in the stands over disputes about plays it seems that the stress of the world in hand with hyper-sensitive parenting techniques are triggering violence and inappropriate behaviour across North America. Is it actually changing kids’ team sports?
Canadian Parent behaviour Course
In Ontario, Canada hockey is a way of life for many families. However with an increase in bad behaviour in both parents and coaches one of the province’s largest leagues has prepared a mandatory online course about proper behaviour and sportsmanship. Parents cannot enroll their children in hockey without completing the online course. Many parents believe not only is it too little too late but that it will never stop the adults with bad behavior as they will never believe they are behaving badly to start. This in hand with the fact that the calmer parent is more likely to take the course while the parent with anger issues does not makes it very likely the people who need a lesson in appropriate behavior will be no where near the course making it even less effective. But at least they are trying to change the course of some parent’s actions.
Concussions and Play
The violence in sports is also concerning many parents from football to hockey and even soccer. Concussions are becoming more common place and are often related to aggressive behavior many people feel is unnecessary. Complaints of the danger of long lasting affects of concussions may also be influenced by rising concerns in pro leagues.
Friendlier Turf
Many parents are seeking sports they are hoping will provide a friendlier turf for their children where violence and over zealous parents will be less common. Volleyball and volleyball equipment seems to offer a safer option as it is fun and does not involve any form of contact. The importance of finding a team sport is key to most parents and looking for something without the opportunity for contact means less injury. Either way it is important for parents and coaches alike not to loose sight of the importance of good sportsmanship and stay focused on healthy activity, team spirit and fun.
If you are looking for Volleyball equipment Real Volleyball has a wide assortment of brand name items from nets to training and safety to storage options.