Important Information For those Who Need A Physical Therapist In Boca Raton FL

by | Feb 2, 2024 | Orthopedic clinic

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People who need the help of a Physical Therapist in Boca Raton FL often wonder what to expect when they actually get to visit one. Usually, the first visit will consist of an in-depth evaluation that can last up to an hour. During the evaluation, the therapist will gather medical history, do an assessment of posture, and conduct other tests that will give the therapist a better understanding of the condition that has to be dealt with. Once all the required information has been obtained, a therapist will give a prognosis and go over the treatment protocol with the client.

For the most part, a Physical Therapist in Boca Raton FL will usually incorporate some form of therapeutic exercise into a person’s therapy. There may also be some function training for tasks that are related to an individual’s work or sport. For example, an athlete who plays basketball and needs therapy will do exercises that can help the person get ready for playing on the court. Exercise isn’t the only form of therapy that is relied on. Massage, and acupuncture can also be used to help a person’s body recover.

Whether getting physical therapy at Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group or another facility, progress will be measured very carefully. Rushing things can actually lead to injury. In most cases, people will be reevaluated every month or so. Reevaluations can also take place before visits with the referring doctor. Part of the reevaluation process is comparing all the new data with the baseline measurements from the initial consultation. It’s important that people don’t try to compare their results with others who may be going through similar therapy. Patients going through therapy respond differently and should just strive to do the best that they can. For more information visit Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group.