Importance of On-Site CPR Training for Construction Workers in California

by | Feb 23, 2024 | Business

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Construction projects have many risks, including falls and electrocution. The workers are at high risk of injuries and may require emergency medical services. About 17.6% of national fatalities are due to accidents during construction projects. This staggering number makes it vital for workers to receive on site CPR training as it can equip them with knowledge on how to respond to emergencies before a victim gets medical attention. Below are more benefits of this training.

Boost Worker Confidence

Every construction project has the potential to turn into a medical emergency setting. Construction workers can have increased confidence during their course of work that even if an accident occurs, someone nearby may help prevent the escalation of the problem. CPR training also helps the workers build a better team when there is a chance to focus on a topic different from work. They can feel empowered and confident to help a coworker, which can help build trust among them.

Positive Work Environment

Training workers on how to conduct CPR in the event of an accident can show them the management cares about them and has a need to provide a safe work environment. When feeling valued, employees can be more productive. As the workers undergo training, they are also given knowledge that helps them be more safety-conscious, which can reduce accidents.

Even though the need to use the skills learned during on site CPR training may not arise, it is a skill every construction worker needs to have. If you need to implement a program to ensure your workers are well-versed in tackling emergencies, do not hesitate to contact ROI Safety Services for their training. You can also reach them via