An injury on the job can be a terrible experience because you will not get much sympathy and very little help in filing for worker’s compensation which you are entitled to. Worker’s compensation pays the medical bills for injured workers and their lost wages. It is an entitlement program, but you will most likely need to fight to get just compensation for your wages and perhaps even for your medical bills. This is a time in your life when you need professional legal help.
Worker’s Compensation in Rochester NY has the expertise of attorneys who have acquired the experience and the skills to handle a case where legal help is required to get the benefits you are entitled to. The attorney will visit the site where you were injured for the purpose of determining any cause which may be apparent, and what made the site a risk. He will make pictures if he can and these will be valuable later.
He will also interview EMS workers if they were called to assist you. Witnesses will be interviewed also since any relevant detail will help your case. The company you worked for will also come under scrutiny for any history of accidents in the workplace or on a work site. He will also check for any OSHA violations, or local government code violations. The contractor may have a documented history of negligence.
You are entitled to the medical treatment required for your condition, and you may need an attorney experienced in Worker’s Compensation in Rochester NY to ensure you get the medical care you need. You may have an injury which is uncommon and which requires a specialist to repair. Since Worker’s Compensation is in charge of paying the medical bills, they will assume responsibility for which doctor treats you. Your attorney will know which doctor should be treating you and he will fight for this doctor to be assigned to your case.
Your attorney will seek a settlement for all of your medical expenses and lost wages. This may be denied by the opposing counsel, but your attorney will be very effective in pursuing legal action to get what you deserve.