If You Are Injured In A Car Accident You May Need A Personal Injury Lawyer

by | Mar 3, 2015 | Law

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The pain and heartache felt as the result of an automobile accident is something that is felt by the individual involved as well as his or her family. There are many reasons for automobile accidents but if the one you were involved in was the fault of a driver other than yourself you should consider contacting a firm of personal injury lawyers in El Monte.

Any automobile accident is a disturbing and stressful event, however, there is good news and that is as the injured party you are entitled to compensation for the injuries you sustained as well as damage to your property. It is not the negligent individual that is responsible for paying damages directly from his or her pocket; it is the insurance company that is responsible for paying the claim for damages. It is a well known fact that insurance companies make every effort possible to minimize or even avoid paying a claim. While you are hospitalized the last thing you want to deal with is an insurance company, your only concern is getting better and getting back home with your family. This is exactly the time of your greatest vulnerability and the insurance company knows it; this is the time they make a settlement offer in hopes that you will simply accept what they offer and sign off on pursuing any further legal claim against them. This is when personal injury lawyers are very important, they will warn you of what to expect, advising you not to even talk to an insurance company representative let alone sign anything.

Many personal injuries are the direct result of an automobile accident but that is not the only reason by far. Any injury that you sustain that is caused by negligence or is inflicted willfully by another person or entity can be the subject of a monetary reward. Imagine walking on the city sidewalk and you trip over a broken section of pavement; this is a case of negligence on the part of the city. If you suffer in the hands of a negligent doctor, the doctor may be guilty of malpractice. In any situation where there is an injury and it was caused by negligence, you are entitled to damages.

The compensation that you are eventually awarded depends a great deal on the severity of the injuries and whether or not the injuries have a long term impact. Personal injury lawyers in El Monte work diligently to ensure that their clients get the maximum possible award. If the result of the accident is a long term disability, perhaps the accident was the cause of a lost limb for example; the award will be much higher if the accident did not result in such trauma. In many cases the compensation is negotiated out of court but if there is reluctance on the part of the lawyers representing the insurance company, your case will be decided in court by a judge and jury. The award will be based on physical and emotional injury as well as pain and suffering.

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