How to Prove a Dog Bite Claim in Las Vegas

by | Nov 18, 2020 | Personal Injury Lawyer

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Getting bit by a dog is no fun, especially if you are injured. However, trying to get compensation for your pain and suffering isn’t always straightforward. Hiring a dog bite lawyer in Las Vegas is always the best option, but here’s what you need to provide a dog bite claim in Nevada.

The Owner Knew the Dog Was Dangerous

You must be able to prove that the owner knew that his animal could be dangerous, and had exhibited such behaviors in the past. If the owner knows that their dog could be dangerous or is acting irrationally, then they must have take bite steps to prevent these behaviors.

The Owner Directly Caused the Attack

In some cases, the owner may have purposely caused the dog to attack you. They may have trained their dog to attack on command, or they may create a situation where the dog is in a position to harm you.

Owner Makes No Attempt to Prevent Attack

Even if the other two situations are not applicable, the owner must take action to prevent their dog from attacking someone. If they stand by while their dog is biting someone, or do not prevent the attack when the signs are there that the dog is agitated, then they may be held liable.

As always, your best bet for a favorable outcome is to contact a dog bite lawyer in Las Vegas. For the absolute best in the business, click on to protect your rights. website.