How to Prepare Your Organization for Scanning Your Documents

by | Jun 13, 2017 | Data Entry Services

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As you move from storing paper documentation within your organization, by using digital imaging services in Minnesota who will scan your papers and set up an efficient filing system online, you will need to give a lot of thought to the process of changing from paper to online retrieval.

Improving Your Workflow Efficiency

Having worked through an inefficient system where employees can lose many hours and days across a year searching for documentation hidden, sometimes incorrectly, within a filing system across the other side of your building, everyone will be pleased with your decision to use digital imaging services in Minnesota and scan your entire documentation.

Before you begin, you will need to decide which documents you are going to scan and convert to images which you can retrieve online and which documents you are going to keep in paper format, if any, and complete the system by shredding private documentation.

You will need to ensure that the company providing digital imaging services in Minnesota is going to convert your documents into a file format that you can easily use, and your employees will be able to access. You may choose to move all your documentation to PDFs, but would you be able to retrieve the information easier if you used TPG or TIFF files?

The important aspect of your plan is to work closely with your scanning company to ensure that whatever formats are used, that you and your supervised employees and volunteers can retrieve when authorized, the documentation and images as quickly and efficiently as possible.

During the early part of the transition series, you will need to check that the process is working efficiently. For clearer accuracy and quality and to ensure that the documents are moving into a system where retrieval is straightforward, consistent checking of the scanning and retrieval process is essential.