Relationships are hard. While you probably both love each other very much, you may find yourself having the same argument over and over again or simply feeling unfulfilled. You’re in favor of therapy to work through your issues together, but your partner might be hesitant. That’s common, and there can be a lot of reasons for their resistance. Keep reading to learn how to overcome your partner’s objections to couples counseling Minneapolis.
Consider Your Approach
It’s important to approach the subject of counseling with sensitivity. Wait until a quiet and calm time when you won’t feel rushed or stressed. Approach your partner openly and without defensiveness. Simply state that you feel as though the two of you have been having some difficulties lately and that you would like to talk about ways to get past them.
Take Responsibility
No one person is ever at fault for problems within a relationship. Take time to acknowledge your role and be upfront about the things you’d like to change. This will let your partner see that you don’t blame them. Taking this approach will also let them know you have no intention of placing blame on them during therapy sessions. Such fears are common when it comes to seeking counseling.
Provide Information
Next, you’ll want to ease the fear of the unknown as much as possible by providing some information about couples counseling. Make sure they know the counselor won’t take sides and that this person has the ability to be an impartial resource. Ask them if they’d be willing just to give it a try and reassure them that you won’t need to be in therapy forever. Share some of the goals you hope to get from this process such as improved communication, enhanced trust and better bonding.
Once you have an honest and open talk about couples counseling Minneapolis, your partner will likely have fewer objections. Give it a try!
If couples counseling is of interest to you, visit our website to learn more about the services and professionals of River Ridge.