How to Keep Your Email List Hygienically Clean?

by | Apr 11, 2017 | Marketing and Advertising

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Updating your email hygiene services is essential if you are to focus your marketing activities successfully and effectively. Emailing to an ever-growing list of uninterested contacts is a waste of time and money and when your business is in a niche market, adding new contacts to your email list can be expensive and difficult.

Looking After the Health of Your Business

To create interest and find new prospects, your email lists must retain a high level of health and be cleaned regularly. While you might find it difficult to add new contacts to your list, unless you employ email hygiene services, you may be sending out your prospecting information to a vast range of indifferent subscribers and not realizing that the real content of your list is rapidly reducing.

The easiest selection for your email hygiene services is to remove bounces, address changes and those who have unsubscribed.

For those who fail to open your emails, but remain on your list, it is essential to find ways to win back these potential prospects or remove them because of their inactivity.

To refocus on theoretically lost prospects, you must engage with them before considering whether to remove them from your list or just leave them in the hope that one day they may return to you when they require your services.

Essentially, your lists should remain perfectly clean so that you are not wasting your time and energy on contacts who have no interest in your products or services and that have simply not unsubscribed.

You can tell individuals that you miss them and offer a wonderful opportunity to help them make a purchase from your organization. Whether that is through a discount or a special offer only available to these individuals is a choice you should make.

Failing everything, you can ask these contacts if they would like to be removed from your email list. You can offer individuals a quick survey to find out why they do not respond to your activities and ask them if they want to be removed from your list.