How to Discuss a Dentist Crestwood Pediatric Appointment With Your Children

by | Jan 5, 2024 | Pediatric Dentistry

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An appointment can be scary for your child, especially if it is a new dentist or their first appointment with pediatric dentist in Crestwood. Fortunately, there are ways to positively discuss the appointment with your little one.

Discuss The Appointment in Advance

It may be tempting to skip the discussion altogether to avoid triggering negative feelings, but finding out at the last minute can be worse for your child. They need time to process their feelings about the appointment, and the trick of not telling them until they get there may cause mistrust.

Listen And Offer Reassurance

When talking to your child about the appointment, listen and validate their feelings. Start by reminding your child that it is okay to feel nervous or scared. Then, reassure them that you will be right by their side. Dismissing your child may cause them to not open up to you later.

Avoid Using Negative Language

You must avoid using negative language during the discussion. For example, use the term “taking pictures of your teeth” instead of “X-rays.” Do not mention any of the tools used, especially needles and drills. Their dentist will know how to explain the procedure at the appointment.

Discuss a Fun Activity

It may help to give your child something to look forward to after the appointment, such as a trip to the park or watching their favorite movie. While you still want to discuss the appointment, it never hurts to give your child a mental break by asking about their favorite playground equipment or movie scene.

When it is time to schedule a dentist Crestwood pediatric appointment, consider Chicago kiDDS Pediatric Dentistry. You can learn more about this practice and schedule an appointment by visiting

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