Car maintenance is as frequently overlooked as dental cleanings and checkups at the doctor. One of the biggest mistakes car owners make in New Jersey is to neglect proper and regular maintenance. Car maintenance is not a waste of money—exactly the opposite. Like the preventative care you need for your body to stay healthy, the maintenance you do for your car saves you time and money in the long run.
The quality of the car maintenance you receive also matters. You will waste your money taking your car in for maintenance by people who do not know what they are doing, who do not know the intricacies of your vehicle, or who do a rushed job and fail to detect problems. Detecting car problems early is crucial for saving you money. One of the main reasons why people in New Jersey get car maintenance done by reliable auto repair and body shops like Franks is that they do save money by preventing problems and detecting problems before they become serious.
The cost of car maintenance will vary, depending on several factors like the make, model, and age of your car, and the types of maintenance services you need. Older cars usually need more maintenance than newer ones, but that is not necessarily always the case. Similarly, luxury cars and European imports are generally more costly to maintain than low-end cars, but it also depends on other factors like mileage. Maintenance is also a multifaceted process that includes paying attention to all the elements of your car, from the tires to the transmission.
Take your car into a place like Franks for an initial estimate of what regular maintenance should run for your year, make and model. Maintenance may include unforeseen costs such as parts replacement, but when you take your car in regularly, you will be aware of what to expect. A qualified and honest mechanic will always warn you about the work that needs to be done and charge a reasonable price.