How Hiring A Dog Bite Lawyer In Melrose MA Can Help You Successfully Resolve Your Case

by | Jul 4, 2015 | Law Services

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Simply stated, a dog bite can be a physically painful experience that leaves emotional scars as well. Unfortunately, many dog bite victims find that even more suffering awaits them as they attempt to collect compensation for their medical bills. In many cases, victims walk away with nothing (or much less than they should) simply because they don’t have a good legal strategy. If this sounds like your current situation, consider the following ways that hiring an experienced dog bite attorney can help:

You Have A Few Responsibilities

In order to boost your chances of success, there are a few things that you need to make sure you accomplish, such as getting the names and contact information of anyone who witnessed the incident, obtaining doctors’ notes and copies of any medical bills from your treatment, and (in some cases) calling the animal control authorities to report the incident so that the dog can be picked up and quarantined. Talking to a Dog Bite Lawyer Melrose MA as soon as the bite occurs can help you avoid missing any of these critical steps and possibly putting your case in jeopardy.

Developing Your Legal Plan

Once you gather your evidence, you’ll need to spend some time creating a viable legal strategy that will help you win compensation. Fortunately, this is where a Dog Bite Lawyer Melrose MA can help. First, they’ll assist you in determining who is actually liable for the bite (as it could be anyone from the owner to a dog keeper to a building landlord). Then, they’ll help you figure out how to counteract common defense strategies used by dog owners like claiming that the victim trespassed on their property, that they somehow provoked the dog to bite, or that they were careless in preventing their own injury.

For dog bite victims, the bottom line is that having an attorney on their side will likely increase the chances of a successful outcome to their case. Instead of settling for a potential loss, contact the legal team at the Law Offices Of Burton J. Hass today. Not only will they be able to provide a full assessment of your case, but you’ll find out more about how you can work with a knowledgeable professional to develop a solid legal strategy that will help you get the compensation you need to finally put this incident behind you and move on with your life.

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