How do buyer personas help small business grow?

by | Mar 31, 2022 | Search Engine Optimization

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When you’re trying to figure out what a buyer persona is you need to first understand the difference between personas and archetypes. Personas are fictional characters that represent groups of users, whereas archetypes are common patterns in human behavior. A buyer persona is a combination of an archetype and one or more personas. For example, let’s say your company has a product for sale: a web-based platform that allows people to schedule meetings with other people. Your buyer persona might be someone who works at a large corporation, but he also includes a couple of different personas — a manager, an executive assistant, etc. Each persona represents a group of people who will use this tool. The idea behind creating buyer personas is that by understanding each persona, you can focus on how they interact with your product and adjust accordingly.

How do I create my own?

The best way to learn about buyer personas is to watch them being created. There are several online tools that allow you to build your own.

What if I don’t have any data?

If you don’t have any existing data, there are two ways to get started. One method is to look at user reviews from websites like Amazon or Google where customers have already used your product. You can then see which personas made up those reviews. Another option is to talk to potential customers directly. Ask them questions about their job role and interests. This can help you identify personas.

How does it work?

Once you’ve identified some personas, you’ll want to start thinking about scenarios in which they would use your product. What problems do they face when using your product? How could your product solve these problems? Think through these scenarios carefully because they’ll become the basis of future customer journeys.


When it comes to how a buyer persona helps a small business grow, there are three main benefits:

1) It gives you insight into your target audience.
2) It helps you develop a strategy for growth.
3) It helps you design a successful marketing campaign.