Effective spill clean-up is essential, but having the correct equipment onsite is also necessary. and having the right tool for the job is vital. Spill kits are an excellent and useful tool tomethod of cleaning up spills and sop up leaks. They offer everything you’ll need to contain, absorb, and clean up these dangerous situations. These kits are one of your best preventative tools. You’ll find a wide variety of kits on the marketplace, which means you have many choices. This can also mean that if you choose the wrong one, you could endanger your employees, yourself, and your company.
Companies like EcoSpill make it easy to select the right one for your needs. They offer tables and information to help you understand what size is best and what will work for the type of liquids you have on hand.
The Liquids At Your Facility
Most people don’t realise that the containment kits you choose have to be compatible with the liquid at your facility. For example, if you pick something that absorbs oil and water based liquids, and you responds to an oil spillage on the water, you may find that the oil sinks and the water is soaked up first, which can be a costly mistake and not environmentally friendly – apart from failing to solve the problem.at all.
You can find general-purpose kits, which can be helpful in almost every circumstance, along withbut you can find specialty kits, as well, including oil, mercury, and hazardous materials.
Absorbency Volume
The wrong size spill kit will endanger the employees and facility, as well. The rule of thumb is to determine how much spillage volume could occur in the worst possible scenario and make sure that your kit can handle that amount. You may never have to use that much or use it at all, but it’s there in case of a serious emergency.