As your parent reaches their senior years, their mental and physical health will begin to decline. Research has found that steps can be taken to slow this decline. The family care services in Palm Coast, FL, that are provided in assisted living facilities are designed to help seniors maintain better health. Here are a few ways an assisted living community will protect your parent’s health against rapid decline.
Diet Plays an Important Role
A nutritious meal plan is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and this is especially true for seniors. Since maintaining good health relies on a steady influx of vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients, assisted living facilities ensure residents are provided with healthy options for meals and snacks. A primarily plant-based diet helps seniors get the vitamins their bodies need to stave off conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Seniors Are Encouraged to Work Out
There are also plenty of opportunities for resident in assisted living facilities to get more exercise each day. They will have opportunities to go hiking, ride bicycles, work with weights, or take yoga classes. The exercise will help seniors maintain better physical strength, but it will also protect their emotional and cognitive health.
Socialization Stimulates Cognitive Functioning
Family care services in Palm Coast, FL, also focus on cognitive stimulation since frequent use of critical thinking skills will help protect memory, concentration, and other types of mental functioning. Seniors are encouraged to interact with one another through games, hobbies, and social events. By forming new memories and developing friendships with one another, seniors will keep their minds stronger. They will also be far less likely to experience depression or anxiety when they build strong connections in the assisted living facility.