How an Attorney can Help Speed Up Your Disability Benefits in Holland, MI

by | Mar 14, 2014 | Attorney, Law Services

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When you have an experienced attorney to handle your Social Security case, it may help to speed up an otherwise very long process. There are a number of advantages offered by an attorney through the entire process from application to appeal. While there is no specific fast track method for those that hire an attorney for help to receive their Disability Benefits in Holland, MI, attorneys know the system and may be able to help you receive a decision on your claim much faster.

Tips for First Round Approval

Here is to get approval with your original application, rather than having to go through the appeal process, which may take over a year. A lawyer has the expertise to know what the Social Security officials are looking for and can help to increase the chances that you will win the original application process. When you hire an attorney at this stage, your lawyer can help with a number of things including what is highlighted here.

Your attorney will help you fill out the application so it is clear that you meet a listing or that you are not able to perform any type of work. They will also gather any type of medical evidence that will provide proof of your medical impairments.

Your attorney will also create a request to send to your doctor that will help with your particular case. The Social Security officials will be looking for a set of specific terminology in order to approve your Disability Benefits and your attorney can ensure that your doctor is aware of this need to make sure that your application is approved during the initial process. Your attorney will also alert Social Security if you have a terminal illness, making your application eligible for much quicker approval.

Hiring an attorney for your benefits case can provide you with a number of advantages, including quicker approval and being able to avoid the long and drawn out appeals process. If you case does go to appeals, they will also be there to represent your interests. For more info, visit ok